Gulliver's Travels. Liliput. Level 5 Jonathan Swift
Автор: Свифт Джонатан Художник: Tuya Jez Издательство: Pearson, 2014 г. Серия: Penguin Kids Жанр: Изучение иностранного языка
Редактор-составитель: Обыграткин Панкратий Владиленович
Главный художник: Незнакомов Константин Гертрудович
Корректор: Манизер Святослав Артёмович
Количество страниц: 333
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2
Аннотация к книге "Gulliver's Travels. Liliput. Level 5"
This is the story of Gulliver, a clever man who loved adventures. This is his greatest adventure! When his ship hits a rock, Gulliver swims to an island called Lilliput. There, he meets a group of tiny people - the Liliputians. But Lilliput is in danger. Will Gulliver help the Liliputians win their war with the Blefuscans? Will the Lilliputians help Gulliver get home again? The story of Gulliver is over 150 years old. It teaches us how different people can work together and be friends. Retold by Crook Marie. Читать книгу бесплатно Gulliver's Travels. Liliput. Level 5 Jonathan Swift.